Thursday, August 19, 2010

What's Gov. Jen Granholm doing in Chicago giving Barry advice when Michigan is in the ditch and imploding?

Should the economic blind lead the blind?What's Gov. Jen Granholm doing in Chicago giving Barry advice when Michigan is in the ditch and imploding?
Just a sow getting her nose into the public trough.What's Gov. Jen Granholm doing in Chicago giving Barry advice when Michigan is in the ditch and imploding?
Good question. I have noticed that the states entirely run by liberal democrats are in the toilet. Michigan, Illinois, New York, California (mostly democrat control and Arnold is a republican in name only) just to name a few. They get what they vote for, so they get what they deserve. Now, Obama wants to put the policies in place that have run these states into the ground and bring them to the whole country. Wonderful.
She's there to not only help him help this country but she is also there to make sure michigan and the big three get the help we need too. She had nothing to do with jobs going over seas, gas prices going up so much and the big three not being able to sell so many of there best sellers. That's all on the bush administration. She can only do so much with what she has. Besides, if you are proud of your state, you'd be proud that she is thought so highly of.


J%26amp;J: She's a lawyer, she understood that she had to let the court cases run out before she stepped in. She could not take any action before that. She did step in when the time was right and she started her hearings on whether or not to take him out of office. His plea deal came right after her she got involved so it was mute after that. Didn't you watch the news when all of that was going on?
Unbelievable. Michigan has an unemployment rate of 9% compared to the national rate of about 6%... and he's talking to Jennifer?

If you want to see what the US economy will be like after 4 years of Democrat rule.. take a look at us here in Michigan, after 2 terms of Granholm.

And, if you want to talk scandal - how about the fact that Granholm refuses to acknowledge or clean up the disgusting Mayoral mess in Detroit??
If he would have picked mcain you guys would have still found something to complain about.

you mcain supporters are just bitter and want to ***** about something because your guy lost.Its not the end of the world you will survive.

You do know that we get to vote again in four years.He is not the president of eternity
I'm so sorry you have to deal with her. I don't even understand why she got elected for a 2nd term. She put us in the shitter the first time around. Well if her advice isn't taken, can you guys help us please? WE NEED IT BAD.
Too bad you couldn't listen to the conference in full.

She was there to represent the dying auto industry in Michigan. He said it loud and clear.

What else do you want to ignorantly complain about next?
AS Are you some kind of a racist?

He is getting HOPE for CHANGE anywhere he can. Now nock it off and help us celebrate his election
She has great knowledge of the auto industry debacle that your president help to create.

See ya.
what goes around comes around

She's there to clue him in to how bad it is there and what might help.
They're talking unions and the Outfit.
Have you seen the 3Q report from GM and Ford? GM says that they are running out of money. this may be the reason.

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