'm Doin a Visual art class in 7 weeks ,I'm doing it because i want t pursue photography and it's my passion but the thing is the class has limited spaces and they understand some of us are there because of photography but we must be able to draw fairly well.
So i have 7 weeks
i know i have to practise everyday,But do your have any tips? Things that will help,i cant afford to lose my spot in the class
Thanks alot.I must be able to draw... ADVICE?
Draw based on shapes. When you're drawing something as you're looking at it, try to break down the object into a few basic shapes (circles, triangles, rectangles, etc, or even less basic shapes like stars and hearts) before you start to add any detail. Also pay attention to proportions. You can use one part of your drawing to measure the length of other parts - for instance, if you're drawing a basic portrait, the space between the eyes is about the same width as one eye. Hmm.. what else... oh, angles - pay special attention to angles. It may help you to learn to draw a few base angles (15, 30, 45, 60, 90 degree) so that you can accurately estimate angles that fall between the base ones.I must be able to draw... ADVICE?
Everyone can draw it just depends on what you find interesting then try drawing something you like. No one can teach you to draw its something you have to be interested in it okay.
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