i'm a guy but i truly wish to be a girl. all my friends are girls and we have so much fun together, shopping, hangin' out, just having fun. how do i let them know i really love being feminine and do you think they'll say it's ok. the other day they kidded me about doing a make-over with me and my heart just pounded so fast. i don't know if they were just kidding or if they thought that would be cool. thanks so much.Hi, just a little advice would be great.?
chances are, they can feel that you are wanting to be Feminine. woman are pretty good are sensing that. and you know, I think it's great that you can feel who you are, even if it's in a different body. Just tell them, and if they are not okay with it. then just find some friends who are. BUT chances are, they will be okay with it. You seem like a sweet-heart. and I hope you get your make-over.
God Bless , Smooches!Hi, just a little advice would be great.?
they're girls....they already know.
well to me youre who ever you wont to be and if they really are friends then they will axcepy you no matter what you choose to be in life even if you wont to be a dog or even a squrille they shouldn't care what you choose to be do yeah keep in touch ok email em at ';coolpeoplehello@yahoo.com'; ok by good luck and even though you like to be a girl i still respect you cause your'e not afreid to ask ?'s about your'e self ok by again and email me
ok by
gabriel gallegos
Just tell them if they are your true friends . They would like you for who your are. They might be shock at first but they may know all ready and waiting for you to tell them. Don't hide what you are feeling. IF you don't tell you will be in misery.So i would tell them. I don't think they will quit being your friends. Girls are not like boys. They usually accept people for they are. That what they are. If i was your friend . I would still be your friend. I have also have a friend with the same problem and i accept her for her and not what she is.
be true, be urself...express urself don't hold back...lol
Yikes...to each their own, and if they're your true friends they won't judge you or crucify you with your choice...just be aware that not everyone in america (or the world) fully accepts that kind of move...and people show their discrimination pretty aggressively at times. Other than that.....to each their own. Kinda curious though as to why....you just can't be an effeminite man? Are you homosexual, or just enjoy being in a woman's shoes? And by being a girl, like how much so? We talkin surgery estrogen/testostorene make-over? Cause THAT within itself can be risky too...health wise that is.
ow that's bad....u r a guy,and what about ur appearance are u really a gentelman or a bit like a girl? or r u just wish if u r a girl?
i dun really understand why r u want to be a girl. God want u to be a guy, just realise it...and become a gentleman,maybe becoz u spent ur time mostly with girl,thats why u think like that,spent ur time with boys,u'll feel and know the differences then.gud luck
to your own self be true..........who cares what anyone else thinks.
SOOOOOOOOOOO,,,go ahead and have a ball with the gal friends and if they are OK with it No problem
be yourself
if they are your true girl friends they would want you for you . and should support you in wanting to be a girl so tell them.and if they dont like it tell them they wasnt a real friend. so you go girl be beautful. o.k
so r u lyk gay?.. if u r...u carnt elp it can ya. mayb u shud just say ur gay 2 em lyk ... as a joke.. but no lyk in a sarcastic voice n if dey actually say ewwww summat lyk dat.. den well, dey dunt lyk ppl hu r gay. but if dey say dey dunt mind den.. well dey dunt mind
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