Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My ball sack is cold damp and smells bad, anyone have some advice about this?

Its really annoying and rather uncomfortable... does anyone have some sort of solution to this. Its not a joke even though the topic is rather sensitive.My ball sack is cold damp and smells bad, anyone have some advice about this?
Talcum powder, or Gold Bond. It'll keep it dry, and that's the key to the odor issue - bacteria/fungi grow in dark, damp places.

Your ball sack will always be a bit cooler than the rest of your body because sperm require a slightly lower body temperature. That's normal.My ball sack is cold damp and smells bad, anyone have some advice about this?
if the skin is unbroken, a good wash with a mild antiseptic followed by over the counter anti-fungal cream.

and keep it clean dude.
I would like to say a warm bath, but I guess you already tried that. Sounds like jock itch maybe???? Try the over the counter anti-fungals.

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